Carving pumpkins- unlike the now defunct cereal Trix- is not just for kids; all that is required is a childlike spirit, sharp knives and someone who doesn’t mind a little elbow grease. Make no mistake, I’m not referring to myself- I discovered that day that I am more of an observer an “idea woman” if you will- but we had Suzy and Katie, 2 very crafty ladies. Katie drew and Suzy cut- Caitlin and I enjoyed our wine and took pictures! I’d say it’s better that way, I am in no way crafty or desire to be.
I did, however, make a few slices on the old squash, just to say that I did!
What a nice idea. We carve creepily faces in our Pumpkins! But the 'Boo!' is too cute! xx, Alice :)
ReplyDeleteIt was the best we could do! No matter what, it was fun to be like a kid again!
Hey that looks great! I don't believe you when you say you're not creative!
Wow that looks great! I love what you cutted out of the pumpkin:D
I wish i could take credit Hanna, it was all Suzy; I supervised!
ReplyDeleteI may be a little creative Lady Grey;)