
Meals with Friends

One of my favorite ways to spend my time is enjoying meals with my friends. There is nothing like a good meal shared between great friends.

I have the wonderful pleasure of being with my friends around food all the time; we love to meet for lunch, we plan dinners on the regular and we love wine; and wine- naturally- goes best with food.


This past week I went to Café Select with my lovelies Caitlin and Suzy, and if you follow my Twitter, you would have know that I was all a-twitter over our delicious French feast! Café Select has the most amazing French food, we dined on Mac & cheese, steak tartar, grilled romaine salad and baked goat’s cheese; washed down ever so nicely with the best Sangiovese red wine I have ever tasted!


My lovely friends Tiffany and Danielle hosted myself and 2 others to a pasta feast- oh and what a feast it was. Goat’s cheese (noticing a cheese trend?!) on warm baguette, spring green salad with balsamic glaze, homemade lasagna, garlic bread and macaroons for dessert; and of course wine- gimme a break, I’m in my twenties!


Saturday was unseasonably warm in Edmonton, so, naturally, I met up with Sarah and Tony on the patio at Café Leva- the coolest euro style coffee café- for a sandwich and a latte! I was really hoping Edmonton would be gifted with an Indian Summer, as summer was complete bubkus this year; and we did! If we get 1 or 2 more weekends like the last, I will be forever grateful. I hope you heard that Mother Nature.


And, lastly, the spread the ladies and I enjoyed at the swap- Italian meats and cheese, bread, bruschetta salad, wine AND Caesars!

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  1. Where is Cafe Select? And goats cheese is soooo yummy! I am glad you had a great weekend! I sat outside on a deck on saturday night for a bbq, I couldn't believe how nice it was! :)

  2. Cafe Select is on 107th, just south of jasper ave...it is hands down one of my favorite restaurants! You gotta try it.

    I'm glad you got out there and enjoyed the beautiful weather!

