
The Norwegian Adventure | Cafe Culture


The café culture in Norway is out of control- in a good way! There are so many cute little cafes sprinkled all over the landscape; even in small little suburbs one can find a cute café or bakery without too much effort. I have been allowing myself to indulge in $10.00 lattes and baked goods every time the opportunity presents itself- what are vacations for!

My cousin and her friends hit up cafés at least twice a week- and you will not find me complaining. I don’t need any excuses to lounge for hours over warm drinks and delicious baked goods. Although my cousins friends are slightly unfamiliar with the whole blogging thing, I have gotten more than a few sideways looks from some of her cohorts when I bust out my camera, hoping to capture every moment- one of her more outspoken friends exclaimed in her heavy Scottish accent “ Cassandra, your cousin is a fruitcake, she’s taking a picture of a latte”- one day in the far off future she’ll understand!


I’ve been here a week and I have been to a café almost every day; and, after spending hours with a group of mothers, I know WAY more than I care to know about the whole new motherhood experience- that alone is the BEST.BIRTH.CONTROL.EVER.


‘Nuff said.

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  1. hahahaha that is so funny! Looks yummy :)

  2. It has been sooo yummy; I will likely return to Edmonton, 5 to 10 lbs heavier- but what are vacations for;)

